My first Project Creation & Execution in soapUI

After creating a new work space (Refer to my previous post), in this article we shall discuss about creating a new project and performing a simple execution without getting into the details.
Once we get a clear idea on creating projects and executing web service requests we will look in detail on various aspects of Web Service Testing.

For now let me just KISS (Keep It Simple & Sweet).

Note: In this article, I will be referring to Currency Convertor web service to showcase Project Creation using soapUI. More details on the web service can be found in Webservicex.NET.

Now that we have a work space, Project Creation is a very simple process. Either you can create a new project from Menu or right click on the Automation work space and then choose New soapUI Project

Now in the New soapUI Project wizard, provide a project name and WSDL URL. For now let us just stick on to the default settings; we will look in to the other options very soon. Now, click on OK button.

soapUI has created two interfaces based on the binding details defined in the WSDL. If you open and look into the WSDL binding section you should be able to see two binding information one for soap 1.1 and the other for soap 1.2.

Double click on Request 1, now in the XML request structure ‘?’ mark indicates input data has to be entered by the user, wherever ‘?’ is found provide the appropriate input values as shown below.

Now let’s execute our very first request without looking into much details and see what will be the corresponding response received from the server. In order to execute/submit your request, click on the Green Forward Arrow indicator as highlighted in the above figure. 

The URL ( which is shown above in your request is the endpoint URL, all your requests will be sent to this particular end point URL and based on your request information you will be receiving the appropriate response from the Server.

In our example, we are requesting the Conversion Rate information from CAD to INR Currency and in the response we have received the Conversion Rate as 56.121. Request and Response of the same is shown below.

This is all about, how to create a project by parsing the WSDL URL and to do a simple interface testing without in depth knowledge of Web Service. I hope this example will be a good kick start, in my next article I shall write in detail about the jargon's like End Point, Test Suite, Test Case and Test Step used in Web Service Testing using soapUI.

My first Project Creation & Execution in soapUI My first Project Creation & Execution in soapUI Reviewed by Suntaragali The Smart Techie on December 01, 2012 Rating: 5

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