Integrate soapUI with Jenkins

Before posting any articles on my Blog, I wanted to make sure whatever I am posting here are genuine and are practically possible. As I don’t want to disappoint or misguide my Blog readers.
Well this time I have something interesting to post it on my Blog and that's nothing but a very interesting and hot topic as of today i.e. ‘Integrating soapUI with Jenkins’. I had been working on this to give my best possible solution and finally here I am  sharing my learning with all my blog readers today.
soapUI and Jenkins are turning out to be a real giants in their own stream. Now lets try to combine them and make them work for us..!! :)
Here I will using the same Currency Convertor Web Service Testing project in soapUI. For details please refer to my earlier posts. Also checkout my post titled “Generate JUnit Style HTML Reports in soapUI” to know more about invoking soapUI from Ant Build tool.
Follow the simple steps to integrate soapUI with Jenkins.
  • Create a directory in ‘C’ drive and name it as JenkinsWorkspace.
  • Place soapUI Project and build files in the same directory as shown below.

  • Now Open Jenkins through Browser, From the Jenkins Dashboard, click on Manage Jenkins

  • Click on Configure System.

  • Click on Advanced Button under Home Directory.

  • Update your Workspace and Build directory details as shown below.

  • Also make sure to set the Ant build tool location and Java JDK location as shown below.

  • Now that we have configured Jenkins as required, Add a new job in Jenkins, Provide the Project Name and description (if required) as shown below.

  • Under Build, choose Invoke Ant

  • Under Post-build Actions choose Publish xUnit test result report. Install xUnit Plugin so that the test results can be published in Jenkins.

  • Now Click on Save button.
  • Go Back to Dashboard, Click on the job and then click on Build now as shown below.

  • Now soapUI execution gets initiated, to view the console output, point your mouse on the current build in the Build History as shown below.

  • Console output produced in Jenkins is as shown below.

  • Click on the Test Results to view the Execution Report.

  • Click on History to view the Trend Graph generated for multiple executions.

Let me know if you face any issues. I shall write about Jenkins and its configuration sometimes later. If anyone is eagerly looking for it please let me know so that I shall change my priority of articles accordingly..!! :) Don’t forget to express your opinion through comments. Till then happy reading.

Integrate soapUI with Jenkins Integrate soapUI with Jenkins Reviewed by Suntaragali The Smart Techie on April 14, 2013 Rating: 5


  1. Hi

    I am using hudson and i don't find the advanced button under the
    home directory to update the workspace and build details. Can you please help me with this?
    Thanks in advance

  2. Como se crea el archivo build.xml

  3. hello - When I run the build after adding the plugin - Publish xUnit test result report, it is failing with the following error and I do not see the menu items - History and TestResult. I appreciate your help.

    [xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Processing JUnit
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to FAILURE
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.
    Build step 'Publish xUnit test result report' changed build result to FAILURE
    Finished: FAILURE

  4. How can i test web services in jenkins and integrate with soapui

  5. Hello, I went through you above post and we are trying to use jenkins for triggering our soapui project. but could you please elaborate on what does the build.xml contains or what exact configuration details need to be in there

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Actually the error is related to xUnit :
    Started by user anonymous
    Building in workspace C:\Users\marius.pojar\JenkinsWorkspace
    FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\Users\marius.pojar\JenkinsWorkspace\build.xml
    Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
    ERROR: Publisher org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.XUnitPublisher aborted due to exception
    java.lang.NullPointerException: The types section is required.
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.XUnitProcessor.(
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.XUnitPublisher.perform(
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.performAllBuildSteps(
    at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(
    at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
    at hudson.model.Run.execute(
    at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
    Finished: FAILURE

  8. Hello,
    what needs to be in C:\JenkinsWorkspace\build.xml
    for example Currency Convertor Web Service

  9. jenkins manage configuration says loading..and it never goes away..Pls help.
    Its urgent

  10. Hi, could ou give us a build.xml example ? The build.xml from you old post : “Generate JUnit Style HTML Reports in soapUI” has no link with a SOAP ui integration test under jenkins....

  11. Found it useful

  12. is it possible to use html report publisher in jenkins to output html report?

  13. Please help, i have the following error

    Total time: 18 seconds
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Processing JUnit
    [xUnit] [INFO] - There are errors when processing test results.
    [xUnit] [INFO] - Skipping tests recording.
    Finished: SUCCESS

  14. Hello. I have an issue by creating reports.
    Builds are succesful. SoupUI is working fine.
    I have configured Jenkins. But the graphs are not showing anything after i ran the task several times. What could be the issue? I stucking already several days on it.

  15. Hi,
    We need to configure a build file inside invoke ant tag , how can we write ant script to run tests for soap ui in Jenkins, I have soap UI data driven test case which I configured using groovy and I have a file which we parse in data driven testing , where can I configure that file in Jenkins ...

  16. Iată un medic excelent pe bază de plante care m-a vindecat de Hepatită B. Numele său este Dr. Imoloa. Am suferit Hepatita B timp de 11 ani, eram foarte slabă cu dureri pe tot corpul, stomacul mi s-a umflat și cu greu puteam mânca. Și într-o zi fratele meu a venit cu un medicament pe bază de plante de la medicul Imoloa și mi-a cerut să beau și am băut, deci, nu există nicio speranță și iată că, după 2 săptămâni de la luarea medicamentului, am început să simt alinare, stomacul meu umflat a început să se micșoreze și durerile dispăruseră. Am devenit normal după finalizarea medicamentului, am mers la spital și am fost testat negativ, ceea ce înseamnă că m-am vindecat. De asemenea, poate vindeca următoarele boli cu ajutorul medicamentelor sale pe bază de plante ... lupus, febră de fân, rujeolă, dureri corporale, tuse uscată, hepatită diabetică ABC, ulcer bucal, cancer de gură, boală cu sare biliară, deficiență folică, diaree, boli cardiovasculare, Neoplasme, boli respiratorii cronice, tulburări mentale și de comportament, inflamatorii hepatice / renale, cancer de ochi, boala cancerului de piele, malarie, boli renale cronice, hipertensiune arterială, otrăvire alimentară, boală parkinson, cancer intestinal, cancer osos, tumori cerebrale, astm, artrita, epilepsie, fibroza chistica, boala lyme, dureri musculare, holera, oboseala, dureri musculare, lipsa de respiratie, tuberculoza, boala alzhemerului, artrita reumatoida, tulburari de anxietate, dureri de spate, boala Crohn, insuficienta renala cronica, leucemie mieloida acuta, acuta pancreatită, boală inflamatorie cronică articulară, boală inflamatorie intestinală, boala Addison, acnee la spate, cancer de sân, bronșită alergică, boală Celia, boala bulimia, congeni bolile de inimă, ciroza, spectrul alcoolului fetal, constipația, infecția fungică a unghiilor, fabromialgia, (vraja de dragoste) și multe altele. este un mare om de plante. Contactați-l pe e-mail; Puteți ajunge și la el pe whatssap- +2347081986098.
